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Sun Blaze Pack
Hello, Guests i'm Karsy the founder of the pack.We are happy you visited our little family pack. We are pack with good history and fun events, so if you mind to join please view the rules and our history. Then go to Forum applications and post a joining form. The pack will be glad if you join. Thanks for reading!
Sun Blaze Pack
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Character Age : 3 years and twelve mouths
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PostSubject: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2012 7:07 pm

So we are a pack of street dogs in the heart of the city. They are nice people who will give you food but they are mean people. Beware from other dog packs and mean humans. It's all part of the survivving here. Cars and buses bewarer from them, but the life isn't easy when your a free street dog in the metal city.

Sreet dogs RP 2006062101060302
Sreet dogs RP Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRA5F9bfwN5Y_B1d5SSSBaq0y3e0-Arw1y_eMuCEq7HEJZkKMx2
Sreet dogs RP Romania-bucharest-stray-dogs-04-30-2011

(If you want to create a pack just post here and i will edit the post here is mine)

Sreet Escape Pack:
Alpha Male:Demon(Bolt)
Alpha Female:



The scouts(they will search for food, currently founding food for the pack):Axel(Blake)


Guards:Maxi & Jay (Pheonix)


Not specifed rank yet:Kami(Ujarak);Lullaby(natsmycat)

Ohter dogs:

Ohter anmals:
An other pack(Currently accepting):

Where to post bio of my dog character?
On this link you can post your other character bios.
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Last edited by Bolt on Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:10 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 2:07 am

I would like to join this Roleplay, The dog's name is Kami, and she is an Aussie Shepherd (Australian Shepherd). Her bio is in Character bios. She has no current pack
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 7:43 am

(Ok. You may start first as a loner then to join my pack or create one.)

Demon was walking around the streets. He was currently a loner and searching for pack members. He remembered his past as a police dog. Demon shaked head at this though. The sreet life has learned him to be protective to everything. Demon knew there are dog hunters here. But he never got traped. He continue walking and set dawn, looked at the area is perfect for a pack territory. Sniffed around, there are no other packs here-a great place.

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Character Age : 3
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 9:31 pm

Kami was sitting down in a dense ally and then saw a German Shepherd trotting around the streets. She shook her head slightly, She could tell he thought he would never be caught. Then she saw the dog hunters fire-beast(Car) drive close behind him and they was slowing down. She barked at him, "Watch out!"
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeTue Dec 25, 2012 7:36 am

The German Shepherd jumped hight in the air and landed on the car. Demon started runing he grabed the dog that warned him for the car and runs. "Belive me i'm saving your life." said and looked back at the car humans were chansing them. He doesn't have time to explame the dog. While running scaned the area trying to find a place to hide. Demon saw and old house left from humans. He putted dawn the dog saying fast "Go hide in the house i will take care of them" he said turning back to the humans barking. The German Shepherd made them follow him then they got tired and left. He returned to the dog. "Hey, i'm emon what's your name?"he asked like nothing happened.

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Character Age : 3
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeTue Dec 25, 2012 4:08 pm

"Names Kami, Nice job with those Twolegs." Kami dipped her head, "Thanks."
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeTue Dec 25, 2012 4:23 pm

"I'm Demon here on the streets i'm D-dog. I know humans well their kinda in my past" said smiling. Then looked at the humans walking around the streets, they are always going somewhere and always bussy. This was waste of time for him. "No problem Kami".

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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeWed Dec 26, 2012 1:35 am

Maxi walked along the streets beside Jay, lowering his head in defense toward the humans. "This place stinks of these people" He growled. The streets were full of human stench. The male noticed two dogs talking to each other. "Who are they?" He hissed. He never saw dogs ever before in the streets.

He smiled as Maxi complained about the stench. "It'll go away" Jay remarked, and continued trotting beside Maxi. He noticed Maxi staring at two dogs. The dog pricked his hose as Maxi asked about the two dogs. "I have no idea" He said, still staring at the dogs.
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeWed Dec 26, 2012 1:49 pm

Demon perked ears hearing steps. He scented dog smells. Demon wasn't sure if the are willing to be nice or meean and warned Kami. He saw Kala, she was already in his pack coming. "Kami, Kala stay back they are dogs around and i don't know if they are mean or nice" hard life was learned him to don't trust no one. Demon walked close to the dogs with friendly steps. He wanted to know if they will attack. "Um hello strangers, I'm Demon. We come in peace" he said.

Kala steped back, hearing Demon. He saved her from the humans and she agreed joining his pack. Kala saw a dog close to Demon but he looked at her saying that is a friend dog. Kala set dawn to the other dog(Kami) and watched Demon standing and talking to other dogs.

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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeWed Dec 26, 2012 2:23 pm


The male shot into a crouch and growled as a dog came toward them. "What do you want?" He hissed, his ears flattened down. The dog shelter he was trapped in taught him aggression, and he couldn't change it. Maxi glanced at Jay, then glared at the dog fiercly. "Go away if you don't want to be ripped apart" Maxi snarled, his tail lashing side by side.


The malamute looked at the new dog calmly. He dipped his head in greeting, and said, "Hello. I'm Jay and this is my buddy Maxi". Jay nudged Maxi hard as the doberman begun hissing at the dog. "He said he came in peace! Stop growling. You're scaring him." Jay urged. He sighed as Maxi again threatened the dog. The male jumped on Maxi, tumbling him over. "I'll rip you apart if you keep on scaring that dog" Jay retorted, and tackled Maxi playfully.
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeWed Dec 26, 2012 2:31 pm

"Hold on you. I said i'm coming in peace. I will go if you wish so" said Demon snarling. He already knew what the dogs means are. Will attack if gets worse, but for now will not mess up. Looked back at Kami and Kala and said "Cammon we don't have a job here." he said with a dominte tone to his pack and led the way.

Kala growled no one will talk that way to the leader. But then she saw that Demon said to back up she followed him. Kala was ready for every thing to protect the pack was a Beta. She wasn't sure for Kami if she is in the pack but didn't mind it. Kala countinued walking.

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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeThu Dec 27, 2012 12:39 am


He sighed then chased after them. "Wait!" He urged, and halted in front of them, blocking their way. "I apologize for my friends attitude. He had a hard past." Jay said, and dipped his head in respect to the leader. He padded away to Maxi and sat down beside him. "Do I have to apologize for your growling?" He grunted, then shoved him playfully.


The doberman huffed as Jay apologized to the two dogs. Why does he have to apologize? Those two scrawny dogs gotta apologize for blocking my way. He sat down angrily. His friend padded toward him and complained for apologizing for him. "Those two should have apologized" He hissed in reply, then suddenly Jay shoved him. "What's that for?" Maximum yelped, then jumped on Jay and pushed him down. He chuckled as he saw Jay lying on his back. "Nice pose" Maxi laughed, and helped him up.
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeThu Dec 27, 2012 6:46 am

"It's alright no need to apologize, my past was hard too" he said remembering the police dog days. Demon coiuntinued to walk. "Say i apologize for your friend" said smiling at the dog. He looked back at Kala and Kami he wasn't sure if Kami wanted to join or not. He was getting far and far from the two dogs leading his pack to find a territory. Found a lonely street there almost no humans around.
Sreet dogs RP 0"So pack here is our home away from humans but closely to the huge fire burning things(cars)" he said proud claiming it. Demon set dawn waiting for his pack looking at the territory it was lone and the building infront of him was old and will be used as a den.

Kala followed Demon to territory. She looked back at the two dogs they had just met. Kala set close to the building that Demon claimed it as a den it was old and with no humans in it.

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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeThu Dec 27, 2012 7:04 am


He yawned, and nudged his buddy. "Let's go find a shelter now" Jay urged, then trotted along the path. Jay looked at the night sky, and sighed as he saw that there were no stars this night. He looked at small alley in between some buildings, then slipped into it. It was empty. Just leftover food and bones, and of course, human stench. "I think this is a good place" He smiled, and sat down.


Maxi looked at Jay, and frowned. I'm not that tired. He shrugged and just followed Jay into the alley. "No.. I don't like it here" He growled and walked out. He hated to think about his life in the alley, the scent of death and fear. Maxi huffed and sat outside of the alley, waiting for Jay
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeThu Dec 27, 2012 7:12 am

Demon set dawn looking at the new area. It wasn't so bad after was kicked out from the police he wil agree to live everywhere. He looked over Kala and Kami. Stretched up and laid dawn goign to asleep he hoped that no humans will find this street he wasn't sure. "Kala could you night charge if humans come. If they come call me i will handul it" he said with sleepy voise.

Kala noded in agreement. She standed up and crossed the street looking for any humans. She was angry on humans kicked her out like a dirty kit. She will never forgive it. Kala stood in charge if humans show up.

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Character Age : 3 years and a half
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeThu Dec 27, 2012 5:38 pm

Bella was walking across the streets and barking to any human trying to hurt her. She saw two groups of dogs: the first was claiming territory and resting while one dog was in charge other were still walking trying to find shelter for the night. Bella had to do the same-find shelter for the night. The female wasn't sure if the two groups are friendly meaning, so prefered to stay in distance. Her silverwhite pelt was now dirty and uncleaned. The husky washed her pelt in small pool of water. She also hood her scent, was standing between the two groups in a distance trying to not attrack attention.
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeThu Dec 27, 2012 6:43 pm

Kami looked around and then looked at Kala and bowed. "Hello," she said with a slight tilt of her head
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 3:45 am


Jay understood Maxi's feelings about the alleys. He stood up and padded to Maxi then nudged him. "Then let's find a different place. You go that way and I'll go this way. If you find a good place, just howl." Jay insisted, pointing his nose to the left and the right. The malamute trotted toward the left, carefully sniffing at some good shelters


He nodded, then walked toward the right. Maxi snarled as a human hand touched him, then lashed his claws at it. The human yelped and ran away. Good choice. The male smirked, and continued looking for a shelter. A wide flattened box was sitting on the corner of a building. He slowly walked toward it, then sniffed it. No dog sheltered here. Maxi howled, calling Jay.
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 11:40 am

Kala looked at Kami saying "Hello nice to meet you i'm Kala. You may go sleep i will watch out for humans" she said bowing happily. Then she returned to her job. Some people came on the touch her or Demon, but she was barking at them each time they get too close. Night falls and the street was lonely, no cars, no humans event no birds. It was quiet and kinda cold. Kala shaked pelt because was freezing. Sometimes her eyes close in warning her that her body is tired and needs a rest, but she shakes and countinues to guard.

Demon countinued to sleep.

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Character Age : 3 years and a half
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 12:46 pm

Bella headed to find shelter. She was so curriously searching for shelter that didn't saw she is entering the pack territory. Then scented a dog that was in charge she snarled at the dog countinueing to walk.
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 1:25 pm


He pricked his ears as he heard Maxi's howl. Jay trotted to the right, and saw Maxi standing on some flattened boxes in the corner. The male grinned. "This is a good place" Jay said, then curled up onto the boxes. "Let's get some rest now" He said, then rolled over onto his back,, looking into the night sky. Jay smiled, then layed back on his side and closed his eyes, drifting off into a sleep.


Maxi layed down beside his friend, then rolled on his back like Jay. He waited until Jay was asleep, then stood up. The dog slowly walked away from Jay, then padded along the streets. I'll just get some air. Maxi noticed three dogs in the distance, and realized who they were immediatley. It's that pack of dogs who growled at me. He looked at the dog keeping watch, and glared at her, growling, then walked away. He went back to Jay and curled up then went to sleep.
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 6:32 pm

Kala growled at the dog(Bella). "Leave now your entering a territory that isn't yours" she growled and tail raised. Kala looked back at the pack protecting them she snarled at Bella. Kala jumped pining her dawn.

Demon countinued sleeping.

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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 11:40 pm

Kami looked at the new dog and then looked at Kala and snapped, "Leave her be. You've accepted me but not her? Give her a chance." Kami looked over the new dog carefully, "What is your name?"
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeSat Dec 29, 2012 1:56 am


Maxi woke up as he heard snarling. He grunted in annoyance and stood up, then shook his pelt. The male walked out of the corner and watched the guard dog pinning down a husky. He smirked, then sat down. This is quite entertaining. Nobody could win a husky. Maxi ruffled his black coat, and continued to watch.
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PostSubject: Re: Sreet dogs RP   Sreet dogs RP Icon_minitimeSat Dec 29, 2012 4:19 am

Kami left where she was, Leaving the dogs behind. She trotted onward, And started running and then slammed into a dog watching something. "Ouch!" Kami got up and looked at the dog, "Who are you?"

(What kind of dog is Maxi? Razz)
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