Sun Blaze Pack
Hello, Guests i'm Karsy the founder of the pack.We are happy you visited our little family pack. We are pack with good history and fun events, so if you mind to join please view the rules and our history. Then go to Forum applications and post a joining form. The pack will be glad if you join. Thanks for reading!
Sun Blaze Pack
Hello, Guests i'm Karsy the founder of the pack.We are happy you visited our little family pack. We are pack with good history and fun events, so if you mind to join please view the rules and our history. Then go to Forum applications and post a joining form. The pack will be glad if you join. Thanks for reading!
Sun Blaze Pack
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Into the sun hight in the sky one pack watches the word with eagle eyes.
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 I am new, what should i do?

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Character Age : 3 years and a half
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PostSubject: I am new, what should i do?   I am new, what should i do? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 5:28 pm

Ok so here are the steps
Like a Star @ heaven You have to introduce your self to the pack in Introduce your self
Like a Star @ heaven You have to write your bio at Wolf Bios
Like a Star @ heaven Come along the chatbox and talk with older members than you (not age, just an joined date)
Like a Star @ heaven Still have questions? Then pm a admin or a mod, they will help you.
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